Whether you are qualified or not, with many or few miles, with or without experience in nautical navigation, at Saudade Sailing Club you can enjoy the incredible sensation of sailing, without hearing anything more than the wind and the waves breaking on the hull of the boat.

¿Quieres vivir la experiencia de Saudade?

Club Navegación Valencia y Malaga

Únete y descubre la magia de la navegación

Our sailing club is the most rational , auxiliary boats and economical way to enjoy sailing, with all its advantages and none of its drawbacks.

Club de navegantes en Valencia, Saudade

Enjoy a sailboat as if it were yours

Our goal is to provide you with an unforgettable experience and a feeling of freedom as you glide through the waves. It doesn't matter if you are an experienced sailor or just starting your sailing journey, our club is open to all marine enthusiasts.

Club de naútica en Valencia e Ibiza Spain

¿Tienes preguntas sobre el club?

Sail safely

Club members have access from their mobile phone to a battery monitoring system , anchoring, water in the bilge and positioning of their boat at all times.

Alquila nuestro yate y explora el Mediterráneo

Enjoy comfort and complete equipment, both on deck and inside, of our 55 feet and our de 55 pies.

Proyecto alternativo: Velas Blancas Club

At Velas Blancas we have designed a membership option designed for sailing lovers, enjoy the sea in 8 quarterly outings, each lasting 4 hours. What better way to relax and unwind than sailing through the crystal clear waters?

Nuevo proyecto de formación

Descubre Saudade Sea Training , auxiliary boats and fórmate con los mejores profesionales del sector náutico. Lo que une a nuestro equipo es la pasión por el mar y una amplia experiencia en la navegación. Explora nuestros cursos, que abarcan desde aparejado y trimado, velas portantes, meteorología, navegación nocturna y mucho más.

¿Qué dicen los socios del club?

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